Wrinkly Bits
A Blog by Gail Cushman
Saying Good-bye!
No, I’m not leaving, but my old website WrinklyBits.com is, because today it bit the dust and now, I have a brand spankin’ new website. I hope you will take a gander; you can check it out at gailcushman.com.
As you know, everything about technology baffles me, the connections, the lingo, the terminology, so I don’t know much about websites other than they work or they don’t. If a remote is attached, I have even more issues.
Thank you to Anita, the site’s original designer, who helped me through thick and thin, I take that back, I’m not really thin. I loved its colors, the cute little bunnies, and it was easy to maneuver, and I had no complaints. The good news is that I have outgrown my old website. It served us well, but now two years old, it started going through the terrible twos. All good things must come to an end, so I engaged a couple of Techie Girls to build a new one. Thank you, Jenna and Jamie. It looks fresh and fine, and I hope to keep it for a while. It has information about my books, about me, my blogs, and my life’s journey. This new website, gailcushman.com, has an e-commerce component, meaning that people can order autographed books directly from me. I don’t know how it works, but Techie Girls say it will be fine. Fingers crossed. You can use plastic money and we’ll ship books to you.
I am collaborating to write a new book on online dating…it’s a wanna-be best-seller Shades of Fifty-Year-Old Gray-Headed People, and we hope to finish it this spring. My editor has my latest Wrinkly Bits book (working title Beach Time). The new website shows my unpublished books (Breaking Barrier mystery series) and I needed to make room for them. They will be available later in the year, first things first, “Patience, Grasshopper,” my friends tell me.
You will see our June Wrinkly Bits cruise to Alaska announced on gailcushman.com. Pack your bikini and dancing shoes and contact Cindy at 208–412–9378 or cindy@cindyturnertravel.com. Prices are on the verge of increasing, so reserve your cabin soon (refundable deposit).
This is such a leap for me because a year ago although I had written several books, I had not published any. My first published book came out in May 2021, but now, I have four Wrinkly Bits books available with a new one that is bouncing through my editor’s fingers, anxious to see the light of day.
Thank you, my friends and readers…you have stuck with me through thick and thin…oops, there I go saying thin again…and without your encouragement I could not have done this. I’m not Stephen King or Janet Evanovich, but I have sold nearly one thousand books, and your support has motivated me to continue writing and living bravely and beautifully, laughing every day.
Help me say good-bye to my old website and hello to my new web address: gailcushman.com. Technology can be tricky, so if, by chance, it doesn’t appear, go to my old website and you should be redirected to gailcushman.com
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