Wrinkly Bits
A Blog by Gail Cushman
Doing Just Fine

Gail Decker Cushman
3 min readOct 25, 2022


I find myself slowing down, which annoys the heck out of me. I used to be able to multi-task pretty well. I could plow forward with a variety of activities, like going to work, tending my children, fixing a gourmet dinner, reading and grading a whole parcel of papers, cleaning the house, and walking my two or three miles, and that was the first half of my day. Everything was finished, up to my Marine standards, but today, those standards seem to have shrunk. I still make a list but am lucky to complete one measly little task. The good part is that is saves wear and tear on my pencils as I don’t have to rewrite the list and can cross out or add something that probably wouldn’t get done either. Easy as pie. Which reminds me, I probably made a pie on those days, too.

One example of my sloth-like existence is that I no longer cook. Cowboy Bob has a handy grill that works great, but I don’t know how to work it (wink, wink). I am very familiar with the microwave, but you can’t grill on a microwave, although I have tried a couple times, you know, quick bursts of radiation, turn the burger, another quick burst, hold a match under it to imitate browning, then blame the toughness on the meat department at the grocery. After a few of these, I noticed Cowboy Bob suggesting restaurants. Boy, does he catch on quick!

I used to iron. I ironed everything every Sunday night so everyone would be spiffy for Monday morning school and work. I wore out three ironing boards in my life. I tried to use the ironing board one day, but the cowboy caught me in my ironing attire, which was (ahem) rather non-existent, and he made some comment about a hot iron and OSHA rules, so I gave it up. Although ironing used to be important, somehow blue jeans with holes and sweatshirts don’t lend themselves to spiffiness.

Baking has also gone by the wayside, but I have found that the local bakery makes marvelous cookies, cakes, and rolls. And donuts, although they haven’t mastered pies yet, so I’m still holding onto the rolling pin and pie plates, but they’ll figure it out one of these days.

I don’t vacuum, dust, or sweep any longer, and seems a waste of time because I just have to redo it in a day or two, so why not let it go for a few weeks and do it all at once. Maybe I could even find someone who loves to do it and I’ll pay them. What an idea! I’ve heard that it works.

Exercising has become more difficult, too. I recently bought a treadmill, and it works, but only if I get on it and press start. My miracle watch jingles my wrist when I’m done, but it also jingles my wrist when I am not done, reminding me to stand or breathe or take a nap, so it is pretty easy to get away from the whole exercise gig. And now that it has turned a bit chilly, it is oh-so-easy to be even lazier.

I have a pretty easy life, now that I’ve stopped multitasking, breaking every record for doing things on time and under budget, but there are a few things that balance out these bursts of energy. I find myself fascinated by the colorful, flittering birds at the bird feeder, and can sit drinking my morning Joe watching the morning sunlight reflecting off the Beartooth mountains, and the amazing sunrises of the intermountain west. So maybe God has a way of slowing down this old body and mind, so I don’t have to multitask to enjoy what He brings me daily.

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Gail Decker Cushman
Gail Decker Cushman

Written by Gail Decker Cushman

Marine, Author, Educator, ... that's what I do. Montana...that's where I live Cowboy...that's who I'm maried to Life is good...actually excellent!

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